July 27, 2024

Developers of dYdX stopped the network due to a failure after an update.


On April 8, at around 09:00 (Kyiv/Moscow time), the dYdX blockchain stopped functioning and at the time of writing had not produced any blocks for over seven hours.

Developers of dYdX stopped the network due to a failure after an updateDevelopers of dYdX stopped the network due to a failure after an update
dYdX blocks. Data: Mintscan.

On April 7, the developers announced the start of planned maintenance work that “potentially could disrupt the functionality” of the network.

According to the log, the implementation of update v4.0.0 started the next day at 08:30 and was completed by 09:30. However, the blockchain has not started functioning since then.

Later, the dYdX team published a brief report on the incident, stating that they are investigating the issue.

“The investigation of the issue is ongoing. The decision has been made to meet with validators around 18:00. Until then, developers will not offer a workaround or fix to avoid validators being penalized for being offline during the blockchain restart,” the message says.

So far, the failure has not impacted the quotes of the native token DYDX. The asset is trading at $3.13, gaining 1.3% over the past day.

Developers of dYdX stopped the network due to a failure after an updateDevelopers of dYdX stopped the network due to a failure after an update
15-minute chart of DYDX/USDT on Binance exchange. Data: TradingView.  

Recall that on April 5, the second-layer Ethereum network StarkNet did not produce any new blocks for approximately four hours. The protocol team explained the incident as a rounding error.

Earlier, several automated market maker pools in the Ripple network detected a technical bug that led to incorrect transaction execution.

On March 23, there was a failure in the Ethereum solution Polygon zkEVM, resulting in the blockchain, launched about a year ago, being halted for more than 10 hours.

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