July 27, 2024

In England, bitcoin extortionists kidnapped a businessman from a golf course.

похищение людей kidnapping Crime
похищение людей kidnapping Crime

The Royal Court of St. Albans is hearing the case of a suspect in the kidnapping of a Chinese businessman for the purpose of extorting cryptocurrency. This was reported by BBC.

According to the case materials, the attack took place on October 24, 2023, in Hertfordshire. The victim, 30-year-old entrepreneur Dylan Huan, was playing golf with three women when five armed men attacked him. Under threats, they put him in a car and drove him to a house in Surrey.

There, for 30 hours, the criminals extorted $15 million in bitcoins from Huan. During this time, the businessman was kept in a cage and beaten.

Late in the evening on October 25, one of the attackers freed Huan, calling a taxi to take him home in Mill Hill in north London.

The police arrested 35-year-old Tianfu Go, whose car was seen in the convoy of the kidnappers’ car. At the time of the arrest, Go was found with £4000 (~$5000), as well as Chinese passports and ID cards in other people’s names.

The suspect denies involvement in any conspiracy. According to law enforcement, six other suspects are presumably in China. The investigation continues.

Recall, in February, the police of Phuket province issued arrest warrants for five Russians suspected of kidnapping a married couple for the purpose of extorting cryptocurrencies.

In March, the Kaliningrad court sentenced two kidnappers of a crypto investor to prison terms.

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