July 27, 2024

The founders of “Greenstar Mining” received prison sentences in Irkutsk.


On April 11, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Irkutsk issued a guilty verdict to five residents of the Chelyabinsk region, who were engaged in fictitious sales of equipment for cryptocurrency mining through the company “Greenstar Mining”.

According to the case materials, since 2021, the defendants advertised their services on the Internet, offering to supply miners with a 50% prepayment. They also mentioned the possibility of placing clients’ devices in their own “mining hostel.”

In reality, the founders of “Greenstar Mining” took the received money and equipment for themselves.

During their criminal activities, they deceived 68 people. The total damage exceeded 12 million rubles.

The defendants were sentenced to imprisonment for terms ranging from 3 years 8 months to 4 years in a general regime colony. The victims are to receive compensation for the stolen funds.

The verdict has not yet entered into legal force.

Earlier, ForkLog reported that in Novosibirsk, energy workers together with the police stopped mining farms with 3225 devices.

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