July 27, 2024

Trust Wallet developers warned about iOS vulnerability.


The team of the Binance-owned Trust Wallet warned iOS users about a zero-day exploit targeting the iMessage service.

According to experts, the vulnerability allows an attacker to infiltrate an iPhone without using malicious links. They recommended not using iMessage until Apple releases an update.

Developers explained that they initially received information about a possible exploit from the dark web, where the hacker claiming the vulnerability was asking for $2 million for the information.

“This can affect anyone, but as we have mentioned, affluent individuals are likely the most profitable targets. We do not know how much you HODL, but since there is a risk for everyone, we have outlined the safest course of action,” the team emphasized.

Recall that in February, the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States included the iOS version of Trust Wallet in the list of vulnerabilities under investigation.

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