July 27, 2024

The number of active users of AlphaOrBeta has exceeded 100,000.


50 days after the launch of the public beta version, the number of active users of the SocialFi project AlphaOrBeta exceeded 100,000, and the number of transactions they made exceeded 500,000. This is reported in a press release.

AlphaOrBeta is a market of opinions and forecasts from Opinion Labs, launched on L2 networks Arbitrum One, Mantle, and opBNB. Its users can create and evaluate opinions and forecasts in various fields: sports, technology, and politics.

Binance Labs included the project team in the list of the top 13 developers of the seventh season of its startup accelerator.

“It is a great honor for us to be among the most valuable developers of Binance Labs. The success of AlphaOrBeta is evidence of the hard work of our team, thanks to which the opinion of every person is not just heard, but also evaluated,” commented the Opinion Labs team.

Among the project’s strategic partners are Ultiverse, Hooked, Coin98, Magic Square, Community Gaming, Safepal, Particle Network, and Certik.

In April, the Skywalker campaign started on AlphaOrBeta: active platform users can earn points and rockets from the NFT collection a/b Skywalker and other exclusive rewards.

According to project representatives, NFT and points holders will play an important role in the project’s future tokenomics. To participate in the campaign, click the Enter Campaign button on the homepage of AlphaOrBeta.

Earlier, ForkLog published material about the Decentralized Society (DeSoc) and the prospects of this direction.

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